[NEWS] {w/ BAHASA TRANS} 111231 MBC Gayo Daejejun’s U-KISS Performance Crisis

U-Kiss has experienced a broadcasting accident on MBC’s Gayo Daejeon.
MBC Gayo Daejeon broadcasted live on December 31st at KyungGi KwangMyungShi’s KwangMyung Dome. As U-KISS performance started, their confusion was immediately noticeable. U-Kiss planned to appear and open with ‘0330’ and ‘Neverland’, after Secret and 4Minute’s collaboration stage.

However the lyrics of ‘0330’ at the beginning could not be heard, and the audience tilted their heads in uncertainty. Whether it was lack of timing, or a problem with the mic, the audience could not hear lyrics for a short period of time. During this time, the members were startled, looking at each other in surprise. They completed their ‘Neverland’ performance with flying colors, and no other problems were found.

MBC Gayo Daejejun di Penampilan Krisis U-KISS

Ukiss telah mengalami kecelakaan penyiaran pada MBC Gayo Daejeon.
MBC Gayo Daejeon disiarkan langsung pada tanggal 31 Desember di KyungGi KwangmyungShi Dome. Sebagaimana penampilan U-KISS dimulai, kebingungan mereka langsung kelihatan. U-KISS direncanakan untuk tampil dan dibuka  dengan ‘0330’ dan ‘Neverland’, setelah penampilan kolaborasi Secret dan 4Minute.

Bagaimanapun juga lirik dari ‘0330’ pada bagian awal tidak dapat terdengar, dan penonton menelengkan kepala mereka karena ketidakpastian ini. Baik itu karena kurangnya penempatan waktu yang tepat, atau masalah dengan mic, para penonton tidak dapat mendengar lirik untuk beberapa saat. Selama masa ini, para anggota U-KISS terkejut, saling menatap dengan heran. Mereka menuntaskan penampilan ‘Neverland’ mereka warna yang bagus, dan setelah itu tidak ada lagi masalah ditemukan.

CREDITS: Ahn @KISSmeINDONESIA (Bahasa Translation) + gonenuts4strbux @ rocketboxx.net (English Tranlation) + Source

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Posted on January 1, 2012, in NEWS, TRANS and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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