Chat With Us!

This page is special for chit chat session between you and us, you and other KISSMe(s) in Indonesia and around the world!

Feel free to ask us anything! If you have some request, just ask us. Feel free to give us some advises for our work result, so then we can have a better performance of our work in the future.

However there are some simple rules you need to obey! Here are the rules:

1. Do not spam.

2. Do not bash U-KISS, other artist and also us the authors.

3. Use only English and Bahasa Indonesia.

So, do not hesitate to come into this page and make some comments or chit chat. Thank you.



Halaman ini khusus untuk sesi obrolan antara kamu dan kami, kamu dan KISSme lain di Indonesia dan seluruh dunia!

Silahkan bertanya apa pun kepada kami! Jika kamu punya beberapa permintaan, silahkan bertanya kepada kami. Silahkan memberikan saran kepada kami atas hasil kerja kami, sehingga kami bisa menjadi lebih baik lagi dalam bekerja di kemudian hari.

Bagaimanapun juga ada beberapa aturan yang harus kamu patuhi! Ini adalah peraturan-peraturan tersebut.

1. Jangan melakukan spam.

2. Jangan melakukan bash terhadap U-KISS, artis lain dan kami para autor.

3. Gunakan hanya Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia.

Jadi jangan ragu untuk masuk ke halaman ini dan buat beberapa komen atau obrolan lainnya. Terima kasih.


  1. Admin, bagaimana dengan rencana Legal Download lagu2 U-KISS yg direncanakan admin dulu?

  2. Hal itu masih perlu kita rundingin lebih lanjut.. masih perlu tahu bagaimana sistemnya dan lain hal.. memang tdk mudah dan pasti byk hal yg harus admin siapin.. tp berdoa aja niat tulus in d dgr sama Tuhan..shg kami semua admin dikasih kemudahan.. ^^

  3. Tiara Ayu Pratiwi

    admin , da gc lagu2 u-kiss yg baru ???
    kalo da kasi tw ya !!!!

  4. Min, melon indonesia setau aku bisa request lagu.. kan lebih gampang kalau lewat melon indonesia min… legal download lagi….

  5. belum ada video U-KISS @ Idol Athletic Championship 2012 ya?

  6. kakak admin~~ japan merchandisenya dihilangkan yah? jadi ga bisa PO UKISS Tick Tack lagi deh,hixhix.

  7. Kak, tolong jangan lupa ya, bales e-mailku… karena aq daftar jadi member, kok nggak dibales-bales ya ????

  8. hi.. erm for the auditions for nh media talents , how to post my videos and pictures? at where?

    • about that… we should send our video to NHM.. but unfortunately their new address still announce yet by them. I guess you can send your video via e-mail. Here is Manager Woong’s e-mail address: “”
      Hope it helps. goodluck =)

  9. Admin 😀 Di sini boleh nanya soal pembelian online shop ga min? ehehe ^^

  10. Since the address is out ? It’s the address not mail.,. So how to send my videos to them ?

  11. hey sorry but .. for the nh media’s new address.. its like referring to only u-kiss :/ if i want to send my hard copy to nh media’s manager , what should i write? to: ??? ..

  12. admin 😀 albun U-Kiss yg Neverland itu sekarang PO ato ready stock min? ehehe ^^

  13. Admin , you know what ? Idc your a boy or girl . I love you so much 😥 I’m like so confused and I contacted the manager , but he didn’t reply but he did tweet to other people -.- .. I’m confused for what to do and always end up rotting .. But at least now I got some idea 🙂 I’m from Singapore , so I just email them and air mail them >< just in case

  14. Will thy reply to your mails ? Like after I sent I’ve been waiting :/ if thy do reply , how long does it take ? Will they inform whether you got in or not ?

  15. My airmail for 2012 nh media auditions :/ .. I email them my pictures only because the video size was too big.. Then I air-mailed them my pictures and videos together .. To them? Like on the 9 and suppose to receive at 10 . Which is deadline :0 . So I’ve been waiting till now and no replies 0.0

    • hmm.. I don’t know to answer this matter actually.. sorry.. I can’t help.. because the one who can answer your question is NHM.. but I hope everything goes well.. ^^ I hope nothing’s wrong with the procedures and anything.. ^^ I pray for your luck! ^^

  16. Nabila Jinyon_Hae

    admin i cant to download forbidden love mv here,….
    the link was blocked,….can you change it pleace,….

  17. min, gimana untuk music bank di jakarta?emg bener ya ukiss salah satu artisnya??

  18. Hello. This is TransparentLies2 from YouTube. I see you featured my English Subtitled video of ‘Forbidden Love’ on your blog here. Thank you! But I am sorry, the video got removed.
    If interested, when it is re-uploaded, I shall send you the link? How can I do this privately? Is there a way I can PM an admin?
    I would appreciate it if you could feature it again.
    Also if you could feature the full MV for A Shared Dream which I also Eng Subbed.
    The link for A Shared Dream with Eng Sub is here:

  19. Do you get to meet the manager of u-kiss ? :/ cause if yes , please help me ask when will he respond 😦

  20. Do you know approximately how many people will get through the first round auditions ? As in like half ? Or quarter or only Afew people ? First round only not second or final

  21. min member UKISS yang yadong syapa?

  22. Why is the info or auditions on this page taken off ? :0 are they going to change the dates for the second round like how they did for the first one ?

  23. But the audition is confirm not a scam
    Right ? >~<

  24. Can you help us to find details for the second round like when will it be held and when can we get a response ? :0 and how many will be selected for the second round ? Help is needed and appreciated ><

  25. But how do you inform us :0

  26. min suratnya kemaren udah nyape ke ukiss belom ><
    terus mau tanya ada project ultah soohyun + eli tak? temenku tanya ._.

  27. What is the total number of people that join auditions usually ? ( round off) help admins 😦

    • well, I dunno exactly how many of them.. but I guess it depends on how many NHM need to be in a group..
      well, as I know they have 5 girls already on the 1st batch..but 1 odf them eliminated… so I dunno how many girls anymore to fullfil their needs in order to form a girl group.
      Hope it answer ur questions.. sorry.. T_T

  28. Where can i purchase the album ‘A Shared Dream’ online? I am only finding pirated copies of the singles, and i do not want to steal anything. Any help would be much appreciated.

    • you can buy it on or on ^^
      yes, that’s do not download any illegal copies… please support the boys..
      and we appreciate you so much because you willing to not do the illegal download. great! ^^

  29. hey omfg ! someone in twitter twitted saying ” girl group nh media auditions ” is discontinued , is that just the girl group audition for 2011 or that includes 2012 nhmedia hallyu star auditions? :O how to even know their latest descisions by nh media ? do they have a web or something regarding these?

    • when did you get the information? from where? I’m not sure either actually… tbh, I don’t know any latest news about this audition.. NHM seems did not give us any further information or even result for this.. =____=;
      so, not only you… everybody are questioning.

  30. erm at twitter theres a page called ‘ nh girls ‘ , then they posted the tweet on 18 feb saying ” nvm .. it was discontinued 😦 ” .. but only one twitter group posted that , and i don’t know where they got the information , i dont know what happening ! :O .. maybe you could help me find out for this thing?:/ cus i didnt want my money i send from sg all the way to korea and my video to be a waste after all these hardwork 😡

    • I really understand your feeling..
      hmm.. nh girls account twitter is a fanbase dedicated to the upcoming NHM girl group..
      I assume, that the coordinator or admin of it..could be a friend of one of the trainee girl.. or it could be the ‘eliminate trainee’.. *again.. my assumption*
      I ever had conversation with one of the friend of a trainee girl.. she said that a friend of her already be a trainee there.. but she also said that there’s still another trainee..
      however, I still trying to looking up this truth..the discontinued audition..
      or maybe you can simply ask the one who gave information of this audition..
      do you remember the twitter account I wrote as the source?

  31. Admin , saya baru jadi KISSME tahun kemarin , cuman mau nanya , kira2 tahun ini ada kemungkinan UKISS ke Indonesia gak ya ? -___- pengen nonton . . . .

  32. i do , but they have not been twitting already .. do you have nhm’s website or something? i tried email-ing the manager but he isnt replying..

  33. OH AND , ur fren which is a trainee , in nh media? isit? if yes.. can help me ask ? >< or can i have something that i can contact with her?

    • no. the only I know is only =(
      I’m afraid, the manager is too busy with other U-KISS’ schedules.. so he hasn’t have opportunity to answer any emails yet.

      she’s not a friend of mine…we had conversation in fanbase couple months ago.. and tbh I don’t remember the girl’s twitter username..sorry.
      the only one I remember is that this girl told me the story about her ‘NH’s eliminated trainee’ friend..and told that the trainee thingy still continuing at the time we talk to.
      you can ask the one who gave us the information that the audition continued until February, here: @kiss_Soohyun ^^

  34. oh, i know , but he doesnt reply ! >-<!

  35. min aku pesen hoodienya min! 🙂

  36. is u-kiss coming to jakarta for music bank in may?

  37. min pesenenku blm di konfirmasi ya min??

  38. min mentionku nya blm di bales bales :’

  39. ooo gitu ya hehe. oke min udh ga diprotec. maap hehe =)

  40. Let’s say if during a concert and I want to find the manager , do you know where to find ? As I wanna ask the audition stuffs and yea if I can find him I want to sing Infront of him to try to have a live audition , will he stop and just listen to me ? What do you think ?

  41. min aku mau tanya,ada album break time ga?

  42. klo mw bkin ID card gmn ?

  43. Admin annyeong haseyo~
    seungra ibnida^^ maaf nih kalo mugkin pertanyaannya kurang nnyambung atau apalah. tapi aku pen bgt nanya. admin tau web” apa aja yg adain FF UKISS dalam bahasa indonesia? berhubung FF UKISS dalam b indo jumlah nya sangat minim.. ampe putus asa nyarinya (-___-v)

    reply me please^^
    ghamsa habnida~ *bow

    • halo! ^^
      sejauh ini.. admin belum nemu blog khusus yg nyediain FF U-KISS doang..
      yah, kenyataannya emang belum byk FF buat U-KISS tersedia.
      menurut admin pribadi, itu dikarenakan di Indonesia sendiri peminat U-KISS it msh blm banyak. =(

  44. admin… kalau mw pesan album U-Kiss Doradora bisanya mulai kapan ? trims….

  45. admin, terakhir mesan album Doradora kapan?

  46. admin, PO allbum Doradora udah ditutup yaa? masih boleh daftar enggak? mian aku baru buka blog 😦

  47. Hey, kissmes! Please speak in english so I can understand 🙂

  48. Oh, okay 🙂 have you listened to U-Kiss Amazing on DORADORA album

  49. I know…
    Do you know about Kiseop’s most recent tweet about teaser of doradora coming out on their youtube channel? I’m so excited!

  50. Does kiseop have a father? Cause i never heard him mention about a father..

  51. when ukiss come malaysia?

  52. I want to name ukiss twitter

    • u mean the name of U-KISS members twitter?
      here you go:
      Soohyun – @ukissSH
      Kiseop – @KiSSeop91
      Eli – @u_kisseli
      AJ – @JaeseopKim91AJ
      Hoon – @HooN91y
      Kevin – @Kevinwoo91
      Dongho – @Dongho91

  53. Adinda Frestian

    min,,tadi q dah isi form..kira2 masuk ga yaa??cz td tiba2 laptop q mati.. 😦

  54. Gmn cr daftar jd Member? Tlg dijawab scpatnya yaa 🙂

    • isi form di page membership.. Disitu kan ada dua jenis keanggotaan: Silver KISSme dan Golden KISSme.

      Jenis keanggotaan mana yg km lbh suka, disitulah km isi form pendaftaran.. Ada anak page msg2 kq utk Silver dan Golden..

  55. hmmmm…. Thanks infonya 🙂

  56. Min, aku alamat rumah nya ganti min. Kalo mau ngerubah gimana?

  57. min, apa U-KISS udah mengakhiri masa promosi doradora? kok udah lama gak tampil di acara musik? apa krn mau ngeluarin mini album the special to kiss me?

  58. wave please let me know if I could recommend a website to buy productoos u-kiss. the problem is that I’m from Latin America and I get more expensive for not much about it. thanks


  60. hai want to ask you,do you post nationwide……..because i from malaysia

  61. السلام عليكم يالربع ياهل المراح في احد ولا مابوه؟؟^^

  62. admin…maaf, untuk pembelian album ‘special for kissme’ sdh berakhirkah? atau sdh gk melayani lg? trims….

  63. admin, maaf, apa album ‘special for kissme’ masih ada ato dah abis ?? trims…

  64. no updates for a while..? are you guys busy?

    • we are very sorry. yes, we are quite busy.. most of the admins were in the exams..but we’ll try to update as soon as possible. please keep supporting us as we also try to give best updates for you guys… 🙂

  65. hi there 🙂 you know if the guys will come to euorpe? you know if there is any way to bring them to europe? 🙂

  66. this page was daebaaaakkkkkk ! i like all the tags about AJ ^^ do visit mine place guys 😀

  67. min, kok email yang kasih tau member ID kok nggak ada ya? 😦

  68. Mimin, aku mau tanya tentang IDcard, di blog tertulis ‘Total harga keseluruhan untuk
    ID Card adalah Rp. 40.000,
    belum termasuk ongkos kirim..’ nah, itu cara bayarnxa gimana/kemana?

  69. Sorry for disturbing,may I know ukiss brand new kiss album still available?

    • sorry for our late reply. as I know Bran New Kiss is sold out in Korea, and we don’t have the ready stock album. 🙂 but, if you try to order Bran New Kiss Japanese ver. I think it’s still available in few Japanese online shop. 🙂

  70. admin, gimana caranya kalo mau join official Kiss Me Indonesia? makasih>

  71. Fitria Gunawanti

    min, U-Kiss bakal ngadain konser lagi gak di indonesia?
    banyak yg ngomong bakal ikut konser gabungan sama FT Island dll 🙂

  72. Hello admins of KISSme Indonesia Fanclub,
    Could you please contact us via our email (preferably) or our twitter @KM_Streamers to discuss more about translation of tutorials?
    We believe there won’t be any problems with permission, but there’s something we need to make clear to avoid any potential misunderstanding.
    Thank you 🙂

  73. admin,cara mendaftarny gmn?

  74. U-Kiss punya visual gak min?

  75. min.. mau kenal dong sama admin disini… boleh minta alamat fb atau twitter gak ???

  76. Blognya makin keren xD demen bangett hohoho ^^ ga sabar pengen gabung official kiss-me indonesia !!!

  77. UKISS HAS FANS IN sOUTH aFRICA TOOO HOW can we start a fanpage too??????????

    • Hello there!
      wow!! South Africa~~~ greetings from Indonesia! ^__^

      usually there’ll be some people who make, lead and organize a fanpage that dedicated to U-KISS. maybe you and your friends wanna try to do it first if there haven’t any fanpage in South Africa? ^_^

  78. can anyone show me how to participate kiss me

  79. Min Caranya buat ngedaftar jd Kissme indonesia gmn ??

  80. I’m sorry I cant find now about you kiss on this page’ve changed it recently,and now I can’t find it 🙂 about ukiss members I mean :))

  81. min boleh tau alamat ukiss yg sekarang ???

  82. min aku ingin minta tolong … bs ???

  83. Serena hafidzah

    min, tu aku udah daftar jadi silver member pas hari minggu, kok belom ada balesannya sih ???

  84. min aku mau minta tolong bs ???

  85. Hi admin, ada email yang bisa dihubungi ga? Mau ada sesuatu :]

  86. miin , buat Presale : Pre-Order melalui fanbase Kiss Me Indonesia
    Periode : 10 – 16 Desember 2012 full payment meskipun belom daftar member bisa ga ?

  87. Admin emailnya kok dri kmrn gak dibales yahhh?aku tata cara ordernya udah bener yg kiss me oppa,tolong sgera dibales yah min wlpn aku blm membership tetep bisa kan?

  88. Kalo mau beli yang KISSME OPPA itu paling lambat tanggal berapa yaa? Terus sama emailnya itu dikirim ke alamat mana? Aku masih bngung

  89. Bagaimana mau level up account di fancafe? aku udah lama buat tapi gak bisa buka update-update sama foto-foto yang ada di fancafe? Mohon bantuannya, Terima Kasih

  90. min, ga buka BO part 2 atau 3 lagi ya utk Standing Still album? aku pengen bgt bli dr admin…. ><

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